
May 12, 2023

Hudson Valley Community College will honor nearly 1,周六,500名毕业生参加了在特洛伊麦克多诺体育中心举行的第69届年度毕业典礼, May 13, 2023. Three ceremonies are scheduled at 9 a.m., 11:30 a.m., and 2 p.m. 表彰STEM学院学位和证书课程毕业生的成就, the School of Health Sciences, and the School of Business and Liberal Arts.

During each ceremony, 毕业生将在舞台上获得个人表彰,并听取罗杰·拉姆萨米校长的鼓舞人心的讲话, representatives from Rensselaer County, Hudson Valley’s Board of Trustees Chairman Neil Kelleher, the elected Student Senate president Neasa McAlice and academic deans. Thousands of graduates’ family and friends are expected to attend, and all three ceremonies will be livestreamed on the college’s website: fgl0.jiechengstone.net/commencement.

 The Class of 2023 includes 1,489名学生在80多个专业领域获得副学士学位和证书. Of them, 422 graduated with academic honors, and 143 were members of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society.  

毕业生年龄从17岁到84岁不等,来自全球40个国家. 哈德逊谷地2023届毕业生中,近90%居住在首都地区. 2023届毕业生中还包括60名退伍军人或现役军人.

Some graduate highlights include:

Ledina Banushllari, Engineering Science当前位置纽约州立大学校长奖得主Ledina Banushllari是一位对化学充满热情的国际毕业生. Known as a leader with a positive attitude, she has taken on many roles at Hudson Valley, including service as the elected student trustee; as a peer tutor in chemistry; an Admissions tour guide; and a leader for the STEM Outreach Program. 她还曾担任工程科学俱乐部主席和Phi Theta Kappa荣誉协会学院分会秘书. Banushllari获得了优秀学生奖学金和总统创新基金奖学金, 最近还被提名为Phi Theta Kappa全纽约学术团队成员, earning the Coca-Cola Academic Team Bronze Scholar award.

Daphne Barber, Early Childhood: Daphne Barber, who graduated this year with an Early Childhood associate degree, 1987年,她从奥尔巴尼高中毕业,只希望能够照顾当时两岁的女儿. She tried to attend Hudson Valley, 但做母亲的压力和支付账单的需要让她的梦想搁浅了. 在接下来的十年里,她回到HVCC学习了几个学期,但最终还是退学了. In 2008, when her second child was 8 months old, 她开始在一家日托中心工作,并于2011年回到哈德逊山谷获得助教证书. In 2023, 34年前,她第一次以学生的身份来到哈德逊河谷校区, she proudly walked the stage as a graduate, and will pursue a bachelor’s degree starting this fall. As she completed her studies this year, 达芙妮因为她的辛勤工作而获得了额外的荣誉:她的一篇哲学论文获得了教育和社会科学系颁发的2023年优秀学术写作奖. 

Michael Galvin, Business Administration当前位置纽约州立大学校长奖得主Michael Galvin于2022年12月毕业于哈德逊谷大学,获得工商管理副学士学位,此后转学到哥伦比亚大学继续他的学术生涯. During his time at the college, he served as treasurer of the Student Senate; co-chair of the Programming Committee; president of the Entrepreneurship Club; a volunteer contributor on the Middle States re-accreditation team; and was active member of both the Investment Club and PTK. Galvin also led a book drive to help the incarcerated community, collecting 1,000 books that went to the Greene County Correctional Facility. He was also recently named to the Phi Theta Kappa All-New York Academic Team, earning the Coca-Cola Academic Team Bronze Scholar award.

Parmina and Amina Safi, Early Childhood and Business AdministrationParmina和Amina Safi姐妹出生在阿富汗,但在该国冲突期间被迫与家人一起离开. The two sisters, their younger sister, their mother, and extended family members, 难民在邻国巴基斯坦生活了多年,然后才被重新安置计划接纳,并被带到首都地区. They spoke three languages when they arrived—none of which were English. They worked hard to learn and adjust, 两人现在都在庆祝毕业:阿米娜获得了幼儿教育学位, and Parmina with a Business Administration degree. Parmina还被她所在的部门授予了2023年卓越工商管理奖.

Ellicia Swedish, Business Administration:纽约州立大学校长奖得主Ellicia Swedish是工商管理专业的毕业生. She is involved in several clubs and organizations at the college, and serves as president of the Garden and Horticulture Club; business manager for the Hudsonian, the college’s student-run newspaper; an Admissions tour guide; a board member of the Faculty Student Association; and a volunteer for the Middle States re-accreditation team. 她也是女子越野和田径队的一名有成就的运动员, 赢得了哈德逊山谷田径学术奖在2021年的越野和哈德逊山谷田径学术奖在2022年的田径.

Hannah Taylor, Architectural Technology:纽约州立大学校长奖得主汉娜·泰勒是建筑技术专业的毕业生. As captain of the Women’s Softball team, she helped lead the Vikings on a 17-game winning streak last year, and is known as a valuable asset and leader of the team. 泰勒以致力于社区服务和外展活动而闻名:去年秋天, 她带领她的队友参加了学院每年在校园举行的“远离耻辱”5K比赛, 努力提高认识,克服围绕精神卫生问题的负面污名. 她在根特当地的食品储藏室做志愿者,同时也是当地高中篮球队的教练. 她以努力工作和成功而闻名,因为她兼顾了学术、体育和社区服务.

Jewel Winant, Theater Arts: Jewel Winant, a Theater Arts graduate from West Sand Lake, was awarded a SUNY Chancellor’s Award in 2020, and graduated in 2023. Jewel maintained a 4.她在哈德逊谷大学期间获得了五项戏剧艺术奖项. She served as treasurer of the Theatre Club and as secretary, treasurer and president of the American Sign Language Club, 作为学习辅助中心的导师,以及访问和辅助技术中心的导师和记录员.

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Office of Communications and Marketing
Fitzgibbons Health Technologies Center, Room 330